Emission measurements
In our environmental analysis department we are available for all questions of measurement technology in the field of polluted exhaust gases. We have both the expertise and the necessary equipment to perform accurate measurements of your exhaust parameters.
This ranges from the recording of physical data to chemical composition and trace analysis. These measurements are the basis for the optimal design of an exhaust air purification plant. We will also be pleased to provide you with expert assistance in the conceptual design of such a system.
Our spectrum of analytics includes both gas and dust measurements.
The following measurement methods are available to you:
- Dust, soot and oil mist determination according to VDI guidelines 2066 in flowing gases
- Fractionated dust measurement
- Measurement of total hydrocarbons in the exhaust air stream by means of FID
- GC/GCMS analysis to determine the composition of exhaust air
- Measurement and evaluation of odoors, olfactometry
- Sound measurement at plants according to VDI guideline
- Germ count determination